Anti-social behaviour


Anti-social behaviour seems to be an unfortunate by-product of living in close proximity to other people. Most of your neighbours will be considerate towards your rights, but some may either be unaware that they are causing a problem or deliberately anti-social.


It is important to remember that OBMS Ltd have very little legal power when dealing with anti-social behaviour. Complaints about unacceptable behaviour must come directly from you, the tenant, if the council or police is to take action. We cannot be involved as a third party.

Examples of anti-social behaviour can include:


  • Harassment and intimidation
  • Verbal abuse and threatening behaviour
  • Criminal damage
  • Vandalism
  • Graffiti
  • Dog fouling
  • Fly tipping, littering or storage of rubbish in gardens
  • Noise nuisance
  • Racist/homophobic abuse
  • Under age drinking or smoking
  • Begging
  • Vehicle nuisance, including abandoned vehicles
  • Violence/threat of violence and/or assault

(Taken from the Northampton Borough Council website)

It is important to keep a log/diary of any incidents of anti-social behaviour including times, dates, the nature of the incidence and, if known, the identity of the offender.  To find out more information on how to log a report, please visit your local councils website.

If the matter is seen to be an emergency, you should call 999, or 101 in the case of a non-emergency.

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